Tuesday, February 28, 2012

i have a 9 week old bengal kitten and he is constantly biting and rummaging thought tv,computer etc wires. Im worried about electric shocks and damage to my stuff lol how can i teach him to stop.

so far i have just taken him away from the area and said no a few times (its pathetic i know)
I have another cat and i never had this or any problems with her.|||you can't!

You can buy tubes to put yhe main wires in so that any risk of shock is reduced but smaller wires are fair game. I have had so many chewed headphone wires this last year!

Else you can keep them out of the rooms but I know with experience from a stunning bengal foster cat I had here, this is no always easy on the ears and the whole family (and neghbours) will NEED ear protectors if you do that.|||To keep your appliances functioning and also to avoid electrocuting Kitty, coat those cords with something cats don't like to taste. For example, hot sauce (ugh!) And there are sprays and non-toxic ointments for this purpose that you can find at pet supply stores, according to the Humane Society.|||We had this exact problem with our kitten - he chewed through earphones, phone charger cables, anything he could find!

The answer about the squirt bottle is good - this did often work with our cat when he was older.

Other things you can try - every time he approaches a wire clap your hands loudly. We found that this worked when our kitten was tiny and it can start to train him out of it. Also, use your voice to distract him. Every time he even thinks about chewing a wire, if you can call his name or say 'AH!' it can stop him before he gets started.

Also try getting cable ties for loose wires and bundle them out of the way as much as possible. If they don't look too enticing that reduces the temptation.

Encouraging your kitten to play with toys instead of things around the house can also help - bits of string, or the 'teaser' toys with feathers on a stick or something can be really useful. Use up as much of his energy as you can so he won't be prowling around looking for mischief.

Sounds like he has a lot of character so you may need to train him a bit! It is good to start this while he is so young though, as habits are much harder to get rid of further down the line.|||I have a bengal kitten that is 16 weeks old, i am also currently trying to discourage this behaviour. The spray bottle probably will not work because most bengals like water; it doesn't work with my kitten. I would start by putting away any unnecessary wires. Whenever your kitten is doing this try responding with a firm "no" (for this to be effective you must do it EVERY time you witness the behaviour) I have heard that hissing at them can be more effective, but a simple no works for me. Then, immediately distract with something he should be playing with (i throw a ball that my kitten likes to chase) and make sure the toy is well away from the wires you don't want him to play with.

Be sure to play with your kitten a lot because bengals have tons of energy and will act out if they're not getting enough attention. The more you encourage him to play with things he should be playing with, the more likely it is that he will go for these things first before your cables and wires.|||Buy liquid Campho-Phenique at a drugstore or grocery and rub it on your wires. It's a liquid used to treat cold sores and fever blisters in humans. It tastes worse than awful and cats hate the smell. One whiff or taste of it and they'll leave your wires alone.|||How do you have a "9 week old bengal kitten" when Bengal breeders NEVER let kittens leave the cattery younger than TWELVE weeks? Did you get TICA or ACFA papers for this kitten? If you didn't, it's NOT a Bengal. Can you post links to some pics?

Since they lied about his breed they probably also lied about his age which is why he's so mouthy. Go to Staples or another office supply store or home store and get some of the "cable management" tubing. It slides over the electrical and computer cords and will prevent the kitten from being able to get to them. You can also go to a pet store and get some "Bitter Apple" or other spray that tastes gross to them and spray it on there.|||Squirt bottle. Best disciplinary tool for cats, ever! Set it to 'stream' and it should give you at least a 10 foot reach. I had the same problem with my 2 kittens (their favorite was my phone charger!), and after a few times of getting zapped with water, they left my cords alone. Also works great during the holidays to keep cats away from the christmas tree!

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