Saturday, March 3, 2012

I don't think people who live on welfare and live off other peoples money doing nothing should have a say in anything!
Plus they should raise the voting age because most of the young people have no idea what live is like outside of mommy's house. Raise it to 25 years old.|||American citizens are allowed to vote, that's how it is, and that's how it should be... This is the democratic way, otherwise try some communist countries|||If you got laid off right before the election you would be screaming bloody murder! lol|||So, what you are saying is that senior citizens and disabled veterans who have served this country to the full extent should lose the right to vote, I think you need to spend some time down at the VA and the Senior Citizens centers.|||Some people are legitimately on assistance. I agree that the lazy collectors have little right to vote, but they can't be all grouped into one.|||YES! LET'S GO BACK IN TIME WHEN ONLY THE RICH EN WHEALTHY WERE ABLE TO VOTE AND HAVE AN OPINION!

Seriusly, whats the point of democracy if only a selected number of people were able to vote. We are all humans and we all have the same value.|||what about those who have lost jobs due to no fault of their own?|||no. not at all. If only taxpayers and productive people could vote my hero could not be president and i would have to get a job in order to survive.|||Lots of jobless people are involuntarily so right now because their employers laid them off. Many of them no longer get benefits of any kind, especially older workers who can't even get interviews regardless of how smart or experienced they are. They should CERTAINLY have a say in who represents them.
If I could change the voting age I would raise it to 25 too, with an exception for active duty military between 18 and 24 years of age.|||I don't agree.

No doubt, there are many unemployed people receiving assistance that are milking the system for all they can get. They aren't interested in the least bit of going to work. They'd rather drink or do drugs all day long at the expense of society and tax payers. Then again, there are many more people that find themselves unemployed and receiving assistance who desperately want to return to work, are actively searching and because of the economy are finding things difficult right now. Eventually, through persistence, they will return to the work force. I think that they have a right to vote. Even the malingerers have the right to vote. Who's going to say who really wants to work and who doesn't? I think that you as a rational person know the answer. The majority of malingerers won't bother to vote ... they could care less as long as they get their handouts and can live their dead end lives. So what does it really matter? Don't deprive decent people the right to vote because the economic situation has been hard on them. That's like kicking a man who is already down.|||I find it incredible, how other wise intelligent people, are so willing to kill democracy... Something our veterans have fought, & died for... Such a valuable commodity, we try forcing it, world wide... But some how, in this very country... I still hear cry's of, do away with one man, or woman, one vote....|||People should only be allowed to vote once. If they are found to be voting more than once then they should be banned from ever voting again.

Thumbs downers must believe it's okay to vote on behalf of the dead. The law is: One person, One vote.
If a person violates that law, then the law should violate them by banning their future votes.|||No.

Because if that were to happen, then 47% of Americans couldn't vote. And it's not that they don't have jobs. It's because they make so little that they don't have to pay taxes.|||everyone not on welfare should be able to vote.


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