Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Im about two weeks late for my period so I took an at home pregnancy test. The results were positive. Within the next couple of days I took two more tests and the both said positive. I went to the doctors yesterday and the results were negative. The doctor told me that it was because I wasn't 6 weeks yet and to go back in a week and get tested again. I went home and took another test and it was positive. Why would the doctor say I have to be 6 weeks pregnant to get a positive test?|||The home test may be more sensitive to the HCG hormone. Try using a different brand of home test to rule out that that specific brand is giving a false positive. You should still go and get a test again at the GP when you are 6+ weeks.|||you can get false negatives perhaps when you went to the doctor the pregnancy hormone wasnt as strong. You cant get a false positive as their has to be pregnancy hormone in your wee, which there wouldnt be if you wasnt pregnant.
The only other thing would be if you'd miscarried in between tests but think you'd know that. Good luck|||Hello Crystal, the only way the home test say positive is if you have pregnancy hormones in your urine, so is not possible a false positive, what is possible is the women have an early miscarriage and the hormones take some time to live your body and still shows positive.
When I was 6 weeks I did a scan, so you can call the NHS and say that you would like an early scan, that you had some bleeding, so they will book for you to go and then there you can see at the scan the heartbeat even this early stage, the sac, a little peanut (the baby), it was great for me to see an relax, the baby was there and healthy, so you should do the same.|||Because doctors use LESS sensitive tests than your average home pregnancy test. That is because they want to avoid pronouncing pregnancy when there is still a big chance of miscarriage.|||cause the doctors test is more accurate then a pregnancy test you buy. so you will have to wait until it is probably easier to be more accurate. but most likely you are pregnant|||call your dr back and ask if they would do a blood pregnancy test, that is most accurate. tell them about home tests are positive. good luck|||The most accurate thing to do would be to ask for a blood test, that will tell for sure! Different pregnancy tests are more/less sensitive to the HcG hormone..I took 6 home tests, 3 said negative, 3 said positive, the dr. office said negative, the blood test said positive :) So get a blood test!


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