Friday, March 9, 2012

the claim that all money is based on debt seems to explain the current situation v.clearly, but is it an over simplification? would we really be better off without money?|||If people really withdrew trillions of dollars from the world's central banks, then dumped the money at the doors of the banks, it might make a statement. But I do believe it is beyond the control of the masses. It's not going to happen. There's no way to get from our system to the new system.

The wealthy have assets, collections, precious metals, gold, silver, plutonium, private property and investments in even the most remote parts of the earth (including seed banks in the frozen tundra), prime real estate and weapons tunneled under the earth. You dont see them piling up hoards of dollar bills, they know they're worthless.

For money and labor to become obsolete, as the film suggests, in a "resource based economy" is science fiction. Who do you suppose would operate and control such global economies? And to what purpose? Mass slavery? Mechanized humans?

Capitalism is still our last, best hope - Abraham Lincoln|||Absolutely YES.

We would be so much better off without a fake money system such as in use today.

The fact that it can be regulated by inflation, and then deflation at will is the absolute problem in and of itself.

Stop the outside manipulation and you will have a wonderful society where everyone can have what they need. The actual funding for money comes from your signature, not the bank.

The monetary system in use today has absolutely NO intrinsic value whatsoever. We are literally killing people, kicking people out of their homes, poisoning our own food supply, all for the love of money. And that money is valueless at best.

“Gold is the currency of kings; silver is the currency of gentlemen; barter is the currency of peasants, and debt is the currency of slaves.”|||Sure there have been many throughout history, barter works. Money is not based on debt, the present central banking system/scam is based on debt.

Money is a fluid self regulating accounting system. whether it's paper money, cheque's or gold the medium of exchange has no real value other than that people accept it as such. I'd say we would be worse off with out money, barter is very cumbersome. We would be way better off with out the present parasitic central banks.|||Not only _can_ a moneyless society be a reality in the future, a Resource Based Economy (RBE) system like it _must_ be humanity's future. We have all of the technology we need. The only thing holding it back is humanity's maturity.

The people that call The Zeitgeist Movement a "utopia" or talk about "human nature" don't know what they are talking about. Watch this 15 minute video (in 3 parts) and then try talking about utopias:…

There is no such thing as a utopia, and no one has claimed that is the goal of TZM. We can do a whole lot better than we're doing now, and the idea of a RBE allows humanity to reach its greatest potential.

Change is coming. It's only if we choose to recognize it now when we have time to make intelligent changes, or if we wait for collapse. It's really just a choice between love and fear.

Our current monetary economic model is fundamentally flawed. It requires infinite growth, which is impossible on a planet with limited resources. Infinite growth means the economy requires us to keep buying and consuming at an increasing rate. If we stop, then it all falls apart: businesses fail, unemployment rises, the unemployed don't have money to spend in their communities, and the downward spiral begins.

Why is change certainly coming? There are many reasons, but the main ones are:

+ Peak oil has been reached. There is not enough oil for humanity to continue on the way we have been, but there has been no urgency to find an alternative. Look around you and think about how we use oil. It is everywhere! From your plastic toothbrush to the tires on your car. We are addicted to oil, but it is a limited non-renewable resource that is running out. It may already be too late, but governments don't want people to think about that because it could lead to anarchy.

+ Technological unemployment is inevitable as our computers and machinery gets better and increases a corporations profits by replacing the largest cost: human labor. It's happening all around us. Farming has long been automated, manufacturing has long been automated, and now the service industry is being automated: self-check-outs, DVD vending machines, stock brokers, travel agents, newspaper classifieds, etc. Get ready for real estate agents to be replaced en masse by FSBO on-line websites. Why do you think unemployment numbers not coming down, but corporations profits are steadily climbing? Corporations have to embrace technology and limit their need on human labour, because if they don't, then their competitors will.

+ We're destroying the one thing that we all depend on, the Earth, and we're doing to with ever increasing efficiency in the never-ending quest for more profits: pollution of the land/air/water and unsustainable stripping of resources faster than they can possibly be replenished.

We must change our ways. The future of our species depends on it.

Real change is not made with elections and changing country leaders.

Real change is not adding more laws, implementing more restrictions, and giving up personal rights and freedoms.

Real change is not "going green" by bringing your own shopping bag to the grocery store.

What is real change? First, we have to start by looking at what is important: We have one planet with limited resources that must be carefully managed in a sustainable manner to be available for all future generations.

Is money important? Can you breath money or eat money or by sheltered by money? No, money just facilitates exchange so you can obtain necessities.

What if we could make available all the necessities of life without money? What if we could do it for everyone on the planet in a sustainable manner?

Luckily for us, we can. We have the understanding and advanced technology to do just that.

We only lack the maturity as a species to go where we need to be going.

The Zeitgeist Movement is all about using our best knowledge and our best technologies to create a good life for everyone, and to sustainably manage the Earth's resource for all future generations. Anything less shows the immaturity of our species and allows the problems of the past to continue into the future.

The leaders of the world's countries will not embrace the idea of The Zeitgeist Movement. It is too radical and supporting such an idea would likely lead to losing their job.

Instead, the movement to switch to a Resource Based Economy must come from the grassroots. There are more of us than there are of them. If the people want it, then it can happen.

Right now, it's all about spreading the word of the possibilities we can achieve and the better world we can all live in, now and for our future generations.


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