Saturday, March 3, 2012

How is alcohol a depressant when it makes me happy? if its suppose to be a depressant why does it make me happy and almost giddy when i have it, espically if i havent had it for a few days? im only 17 and i know im an alcoholic already but, i still want to know my question.|||lol i only feel happy when im drunk! it is only temporoary so thats why i guess as humans we get drunk again and again! =]:) i suspect myself to be an alcoholic also! as i dont know about you but it runs in my genetics, and i also have no problem getting drunk alone! :)|||Alcohol is a physical depressant, not an emotional one. The effects of a physical depressant often include anxiolysis, pain relief, sedation or somnolence, and cognitive/memory impairment, as well as in some instances euphoria, dissociation, muscle relaxation, lowered blood pressure or heart rate, respiratory depression, and anticonvulsant effects, and even complete anesthesia or death at high doses. Alcohol also causes inebriation, which to a 17 year old, will make you feel giddy and happy. It's the forbidden fruit effect of doing something you know you shouldn't. Enjoy your alcohol responsibly.|||The short answer is that it depresses your inhibitions, which makes it easier for you to be happy.

The long answer is that alcohol does several things, but people like to focus on the "depressant" aspect. Really it's poor word choice, "depressant" sound like it makes you depressed, which is not true. A better word would be "relaxant".

Alcohol relaxes your mind. It inhibits certain brain functions. It sounds like it would just put you to sleep, and it does (eventually), but before that it inhibits all the fight-or-flight parts of your brain. In a basic way, when your brain starts to worry less about being eaten by something large you can relax and enjoy yourself.

Alcohol also affects serotonin (the satisfied-happy chemical), which people seldom mention. This directly makes you happier, but its effect is less pronounced than the relaxant effect.

It also affects "acetylcholine" and "NMDA receptors", which do more complicated, esoteric things. Don't let people tell you it's "just a depressant", it's a complicated chemical.|||makes me happy too|||When glass breaks, the cracks move faster than 3,000 miles per hour.|||It depresses your metabolism. A little may feel good because it in a way acts as a stimulant. More will cause you to feel depressed emotionally while it depresses all your life functions even more. Drink enough and it can kill you in many ways....heart suppression, respiratory suppression, alcohol poisining, fatal bad judgment (driving for example)...


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