Friday, February 3, 2012

Okay so last year I wanted to just do pizza, salad, fruit, chips, drinks, cake & ice cream-something simple & cost effective, But a family member said NO WAY & not to do that!!! We ended up having 2 parties because there were soooo many people. And the parties cost us hundreds. The menu was sooooo pricey, because we had HEAVY appetizers!!! This year I'd like to do the pizza idea. Or is that really a bad idea? This is for a 1 & 2 year old bday party... Do you have any other suggestions? I also thought about cookout foods- like hot dogs, hamburgers, etc. the party will be about 50 plus people. Maybe 10 or so kids.|||Pizza is never a bad idea. The majority of birthday guests always enjoy pizza. If they dont like what you are serving then they dont have to eat it.|||Yes! Pizza for a kids party is a great idea. Who cares what your family member thinks? If they are so picky, have them pay for it. Pizza, chips, ice cream, and cake are what kids like to eat anyways. You can still have a great party. Focus on some fun activities and games for your child...that will make it more special than having fancy adult food. Cookout food's not a bad idea either, but pizza would be easier. Good luck and have fun!|||Ive done both and they turned out great i did pizza for my daughters 1st and there was 56 people and a cook out for her 2&3rd the cook out was cheaper but we all had a great time and so did the kids good luck.


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