Tuesday, February 21, 2012

My idea for a program was to have a window that takes up the whole screen, on one half would be a code editor (for HTML codes) and on the other half would be a reader/interpreter/whatever so that you could see what is happening to the site as you change the code. Is it possible/easy?|||pretty much every HTML editor already has a PREVIEW screen
but hey it sounds like a good project for you.|||The "try it" section of w3schools.com does exactly that:
The left side of the screen shows the code, the right part shows the result, as if it were viewed in a browser.
It certainly is possible, but I think that the complexity escapes you: your left side is a simple text editor, and that is not too hard, but the RIGHT side (the "browser") is another matter: you have to implement a fully compatible browser, for ALL HTML/CSS specification.
Read the HTML specs from the W3Consortium: you have a nice book of over 5000 pages, and you should comply with every single rule... Not even all browsers do :-)

However, if you were to manage it, SELL IT! You would be threat to IDEs such as Dreamweaver.
That would be good!


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