Friday, February 17, 2012


I know there are a bit old fasioned, but what do you think?|||I would use Margaret only because it's my great grandma's name and I find it beautiful!! but the rest no. They are way too old now., I HATE the name Linda, I find it horrid, Mary, Betty became old southern. Anne and Jane I think of Anne frank and Jane from Tarzan, they just sound too 1920's to me.|||Margaret ;) :D|||I like Jane and Margaret as middle names.|||Mary- my moms name ;)
Linda- friends mom
Jane- dunno a jane
Betty- moms friend
Margaret- both of aunts names
Anne- friends mom

I'd still use Anne, Jane and possibly Mary :)|||Personally"

Mary - I would never give my child a biblical name, but it isn't bad
Linda - Never
Jane - Not too bad, but it is very plain:)
Betty - short for Elizabeth, which should only be used if named after a dead relative
Margaret - Its okay
Anne - Its okay|||I would use margaret, anne and Mary... And maybe even Margaret Anne... Or Mary Anne (:|||I love the name Mary.
Jane and Anne are better as middle names.
Not a fan of LInda, Betty or Margaret.|||mary- yes
linda- yes
jane- yes
betty, margaret- no
anne- yes|||I prefer Ana to Anne. Jane is pretty.
Betty, Linda, and >_>|||I'm a Linda and the name means BEAUTIFUL...maybe you should understand the meaning of names and also take that into consideration :))|||Betty, Anne, Linda and Jane are all still alright. Margaret is a bit too old fashioned and Mary would probably get her teased. Jane is a beautiful name and i love it.|||mary,jane,margaret,and anne-yes.margaret would probably be just a m.n. name though.not sure I like jane enough for a f.n. but, definitely a n.m.linda/betty just don't appeal to me anymore.I like many old-fashioned names.|||Yes. I wouldn't use Betty because it's too nickname-y, but there isn't anything wrong with these names. Jane is my favorite from the list.|||Mary has become quite popular nowadays, and I must agree, it's kinda pretty.

As for Linda, it's really gorgeous! It should be more popular, as I don't see anything wrong with it. It won't be mispronounced, it's not so common, and it's so cute. Love it!

Jane is so...well, plain. But it kinda brings back the "passing fashion of the past."

Focusing on Betty, I really don't like it, but then again, that's just my opinion.

Margaret is really, really, REALLY nice, especially when it is abbreviated. Some of the common abbreviations of Margaret are Margo and Maggie.

Lastly, there's that name "Anne." I like it, but it makes a better middle name, as it flows well. Sadly, though, it's not strong enough to make a first name:



:) I LIKE:
Margaret|||I would use Jane and Anne, but I've never really liked the others. Myabe Mary, because it's my grandma's name


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