Monday, February 6, 2012

It would be a boost for manufacturing and then we could know who doesn't adhere to our creed.

What could go wrong?|||Ron Paul is the only candidate with a shot at winning that would really change the way Washington operates. The Democrats and Republicans like being corporate puppets. They make more than their salaries from kick backs, percs and the fact that they made a law so that they can do insider trading with no prosecution. Most would quit if they had only their salaries. Wise up and support real change. This country is in much worse shape than most realize. It's easy to say..well life here is pretty good compared to this place or that place. The truth is it is almost over if it doesn't change for the better. Many corporations that do business here are raping and pillaging the the american people for every last thing that they can get before the collapse and the politicians are in it with them because they know it's almost over instead of trying to fix it. Being the best looking horse isn't a lot to get excited about when your the best looking horse in the glue factory and not in the race.|||What are you talking about?


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