Thursday, February 9, 2012

Hello, I wish to lure a buffalo that has been running around my neighborhood all day into my house. I've tried food, and even imitating the buffalo mating call. I really want to keep this buffalo as a pet for my five year old daughter, who says 'dogs are too lame'. Help? :'(|||when the buffalo gets near, throw your daughter on top of it.; its up to your daughter from their. what she has to do is bite his ear and take a clip of its fur. once youv got the fur put it in a can of orange soda. then late at night the buffalo should dip his ear into the can. thats when its ear gets stuck and the can should hold him there till morning. then just put a leash on him and give him a name!|||I work on a buffalo ranch so I have a lot of experience with catching these wonderful animals. Your daughter is right; a buffalo is the perfect animal for you. If you have a garage this will work best. It will cost maybe $20, but come on, $20 for your very own buffalo that's a bargain! You'll need to clear everything from the back wall of your garage. Then you will paint the silhouette of a buffalo on this wall (the $20 dollars is for a can of paint, preferably brown). Leave the light on along with a bucket of water and a piles of carrots and you'll have your very own pet buffalo! Get him into the house as soon as possible to help socialize him with his new surroundings. Good luck!|||are you out of your mind? its a beautiful animal and too dangerous to be around a small child. you should be thinking about the buffalo's interest. get it the help it needs before it gets hurt.|||well i would begin by lying out corn husk and singing old tribal songs like native americans once did then if that doesnt work.... step away from the crack pipe|||What?! Bring a while buffalo into your house? Are you crazy!|||You now.... your awesome haha


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