Friday, February 3, 2012

This is a serious question before anyone calls me a rayciss. In fact, I'm trying to make sure I don't come off as a rayciss, that's why I ask this question.

My wife bought a load of chicken and ribs. As a rare treat (and because we're trying to eat more fruit), she also bought several watermelons which happen to be quite tasty!

Normally I would invite all the neighbors but will the menu cause issue with the black neighbors? The last thing I want to do is offend them but unfortunately I've heard too many stories concerning blacks, chicken and watermelon. Now I'm a little hesitant to say the least.

What to do?|||Is this like some kinda "Borat" question?|||I'm really not seeing your point. But its your cookout so have what you want. And invite them. Because trust me they're not going to get offended.|||go ahead and invite them! if they get offended, then its their loss, and its more good food for everyone else!|||It's reasons like this they say we have race problems in America. Silly things like this. Now, if EVERYONE you're inviting is black and you have that kind of menu it may cause an issue. I would then say no. You know what? Invite them. It's only right. If they take it the wrong way, it's their loss. You had good intentions. By the way, it's racist not rayciss. Im a total spelling nazi. You were extending your hand in friendly fashion and if they don't want it, then they are the losers.|||My first question would be have you asked them over in the past when you have asked other neighbors and not them? There's not a problem with inviting them, but don't be offended if your African American neighbors are hesitate at first they may have known about other gathering and wondered why they were not invited? Most bbq's that we have are the same thing that you are having no issues with the menu that you are having.

Invite them and see what happens.|||Don't do something good that looks bad.
It's that simple.
Food isn't racist. Not inviting people based on their ethnicity is racist.|||Yeah, invite them. I doubt they'd be offended if you're inviting everyone else too.

And if those stories are true, they'll love it anyways!|||depends whether you like them|||LOL.... Invite them! Not inviting them would be the worst thing you can do. Most people love chicken, ribs & watermelon.
Please invite them. You could be missing out on, the best friend you could have. If they are not the best friends.... they are at least very good friends. You have to get over this fear. Try to relax. Try not to think of them as a color. Keep in mind they are human beings as you are. Ask them if they want to bring something,if they want. (drinks or dessert anything they want)|||I think they may end up being more offended to be the only ones not invited. Hey you never know they could get there and make jokes about the whole thing.|||I think you should. I mean, still, don't be a racess! i think it would be a good way to get to know them! ****** love meat and chicken and stuff!
:)|||I think they'd love it if you invited them. Who doesn't love ribs and watermelons?|||I would invite them.

I usually let everyone know what is being served--that way if they are on a special diet (low carb, vegetarian or diabetic) they can plan around the food or bring their own.

Regarding the stereotype -- if you are telling all of your other friends why you are having chicken, ribs and watermelon, then it's okay to tell these neighbors too.

I would not withhold an invitation just because you are having your favorite food!|||you can invite them but dont be affend when they say no its very uncomfortable being around alot of white ppl who worries about a menu.|||i think that's a crazy thing to think really. uum u should just go right ahead and invite them! :)
they'll be fine lol :)|||oh dear, what a predicament. how well do you know the person. i have a few black friends and we all really enjoy the comedy that goes along with racist stereotypes and well be quite crass in public just to watch the look on others faces. but none of this solves your problem,
honestly having a whole cook out just to serve chicken and watermelon to the one black person you know as a racist joke seems pretty far fetched. i say go ahead and invite them. the evil of racism is in the intent. you have nothing but generous and communal intent so if its mistaken for somthing more devious then it is thier loss.|||invite them.|||If you are "trying to make sure I don't come off as a racist", then don't let yourself be one. Look at your neighbors simply as neighbors and (perhaps?) friends. Then make your decision based on that.|||I would invite them no matter what the menu, but not to be racist... In history some people said black people like watermelon.

Besides, every black person here eats chicken and watermelon.|||Invite them.
If I were black, and living on that block, and we were the only ones you didn't invite for chicken, ribs, and watermelon, I'd be highly offended.
Everyone loves chicken, ribs and watermelon...|||There are no vegetables or beverages on the menu. You had better send your wife back to the PIGGLY WIGGLY to get some yams, collard greens and malt liquor.


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