Friday, February 17, 2012

Sometimes I think that people take the whole wife being submissive during marriage thing a little bit too far. It seems to me that they are saying that the wife is to be inferior to the husband. Did I use that word in the correct way? I think that during a marriage, two people should be equal, the husband SHOULD NOT be "more" than the wife.

So, what exactly do you think that it means, what do you think that the wife should or shouldn't do in a marriage based on this "submissive thing"?|||To me it means that the husband should take on the role of leader. Much of relationships is like a dance. Someone has to lead and someone has to follow. So you can work out who is going to lead which dances (areas of responsibility), or you can do your own thing independently. But you can't really debate every move to agreement and dance. So if you want to dance together in life, then someone is going to have to lead and the other is going to have to follow.

So, you decide which areas you will lead and which areas you will follow and which areas you will debate. But if you follow you can advise, but you shouldn't try to trip up your partner by taking over.
And, keep in mind there are areas that husbands will prefer their wives to lead. He doesn't feel degraded when he follows because it is what he wants. Neither should a wife who prefers to let her husband lead feel degraded..or let others try to degrade her for it.|||When you say it like that, "wife submissive to her husband", it has the implications that he's kind of controlling and doesn't exactly respect her and she just does whatever he tells her to do regardless of whether she wants to do it or not. I heard the term a lot when I was younger and it was never something positive. It was, as you said, the submissive being the "less than". That's not right.

A better term would be, "the submissive in the relationship". That's much nicer. That just means that the dominant is the leader of the relationship and possibly the "main one" during sex... as in, they're leading that, too. Both are equal, just one is, you know, the primary leader. That's like a guy picking a girl up to go on a date--both are equal, but one is "leading" and the other is following. One is being woo-ed, the other is wooing.

No one should be submissive to anyone if they don't want to. You can be the submissive in the relationship, that's different. And if it's by your choice, that's different too, but it should never be something forced upon you. I don't believe anyone should ever be a "less than" if they don't want to be, regardless of their gender.|||Why do you think submissive is less than dominant? You need both, they're just different.
I think a wife should be submissive in that she should obey him, she should not try to get her way as much as she can and only obey when he puts his foot down, she should try to work with him and go along with him. This doesn't degrade her in any way. It's just what works best in families - one leader (anything with two heads is a monster!), and men are more wired for that role than women are, it works better that way, people are happier that way, kids fare better that way.|||People should just do nice things for each other in a relationship, help each other, make things happen faster by working together. Egalitarian relationships are usually happier for both people.

If a man says he wants a submissive wife it usually means he wants someone to be his slave so he doesn't have to do anything around the house.|||Girls should be submissive to guys when it comes to jockiness, sex, nature and survival. But in terms of a formal social setting in a civilized intelligent world, they should be equal.|||You should be submissive to each other, marriage is a partnership and what may work for one couple may not work for another, communicate, communicate communicate to get to your happy place!|||submissive means if he asked her something she'd do it mostly used in a sexual way|||weak easily intimidated|||I don't think or believe that it's anything near an equal relationship. When one expects another to submit to them there is no way they could ever believe they are their equal. If they are equal why should she submit and why would he want her to?
If the wife submits she's got no choice in the matter; none at all; she does what he does and what he wants to do. She's to obey whether she wants to or not; not only that she's expected to put up with; most likely in the name of love or for some sort of reward; it might be jewels, money a beautiful home. Look at the following words, abide, accede, acknowledge, acquiesce, agree, appease, be submissive, bend, bow, buckle, capitulate, cave, cede, concede, defer, eat crow, fold, give away, give ground, give in, give way, go with the flow, grin and bear it, humor, indulge, knuckle, knuckle under, kowtow, lay down arms, obey, put up with, quit, relent, relinquish, resign oneself, say uncle, stoop, succumb, surrender, throw in the towel, toe the line, tolerate, truckle, withstand, yield. What's in front of our eyes cannot be denied.
I don't believe being obedient and submissive are the exact same thing; all of the above is why. What I say offends many. Many probably think I'm off my rocker. I'm only just going by what I've seen.


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