Monday, February 6, 2012

In Catholic tradition the Nuptial law during marriage allows the newly wedded to have intercourse...With this, does the catholic church believe it is a sin if the couple is married yet they have sex for fun and love without trying to conceive?|||No its not a sin. That's what God intended but to also reproduce at some point.|||Nope you should be fine. Now go f*ck like rabbits you crazaaay kids|||Nope, not sinful. As long as they are OPEN to kids - they do not have to be trying to get pregnant one bit. Catholic teaching says it may be sinful, immoral or wrong TO TRY to get pregnant if the couple knows they have serious issues which mean a child would not survive in the womb, etc and they try or they have no economic means to feed the child etc.

It is as simple as abstaining from sex when the woman is capable of becoming pregnant. This method is called NFP or Natural Family Planning and has the highest rate of success for family planning with ZERO side effects, but many positive rewards. It can be used on one side to prevent unintended pregnancy and can also be used by others attempting to get pregnant. It actually is the method used by fertility clinics and docs(all of them - even ones who are atheist) to assist couples in planning the best times to try to get pregnant. It deals with learning exactly when the woman is ovulating and knowing the times and days when a pregnancy is possible and impossible.

Hang in there for all the negative, bigotted, stupid and moronic answers from so many who are uneducated in anything but hating the Catholic Church.|||Who cares what the Catholic Church says, they have NO say what you do with your husband/wife in the bedroom. Besides kids are not for everyone anyway! Who is the church to try to encourage Catholic couples to have babies when having kids may not be what that couple want!

Have sex with your OH as much as you desire, in fact make the most of it because for many couples sex goes downhill after marriage so you should enjoy that you both desire it.|||You can not gain fertility. You are either fertile or you are not. I think you mistake the ability to reproduce with willingness to reproduce.|||In Catholicism sex is for procreation not recreation. Some priests say it is sin others just frown on it.
I say it's between you and God. Not you and your religion.|||I am christian and not Catholic and when we were growing up, we all were convinced that they got pregnant everytime they had sex because one family could populate the whole town. Back then, it was a sin to use any birth control and the world was convinced that they would take over the whole world one day because of this. That is the reason there was great fear when Kennedy ran for president. This is the truth too.|||They should try to conceive at some point but the Church is not about to step into the bedroom and force them.|||As long as each act of intercourse is open to life (no artificial contraception/barriers), then it's fine for an married couple to have sex for any reason they want to, as often as they both agree to it.|||HELL NO|||It is better to travel along with time.


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