Friday, February 17, 2012

I'm Asian, but as you know, Asians have little rounded noses. Some even say we have mini versions of black peoples noses. How can an Asian like myself get a white nose? I am East Asian.鈥?/a>|||The European nose is designed to warm up the air before it enters the lungs, an adaptation for cold climates.

Please don't try to change who you are...|||Lol.|||Here try this.

You Non-whites, and your inferiority complex...|||That wouldn't make you more attactive anyway, you are all flat not only your nose.|||White people are from a different origin than Asians, though some say it might actually be very close since White people originated in Russia. Don't feel bad about yourself. You are who you are. Be proud to be Asian!|||Plastic surgery. I don't understand why Filipinos like white man's nose


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